Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are your business hours?

    Monday through Friday we are open from 9 am to 5 pm

    Saturday and Sunday we are Closed

  • Do I have to enter a long term contract with Carrier Dispatch Services?

    Most certainly not. We don't make our client drivers commit to long-term contracts. At Carrier Dispatch Services, we believe in earning your business through a collaborated partnership. If you aren't happy, we aren't happy, so we'll work hard for you!

  • How do I sign up, and what do I need?

    Our process is simple. Set an appointment to speak with one of our specialists to get you started!

    At Carrier DispatchServices, we keep impeccable and accurate records and always maintain compliance with all safety, regulatory, and industry requirements and standards. So we'll ask for a copy of the CDL for each driver we dispatch.

  • What is the freight booking process?

    Once we have all your paperwork and our team of staff understands your freight needs, then he/she will begin searching for loads. They will present you with the best loads options and discuss lane, rate, weight, type of freight being carried, single or multiple pick/drop, and other pertinent load information.

    If you decline the load we will search for another one until you are satisfied. However, this back-and-forth process with a Carrier and Broker/Shipper can be very demanding and freight can be sold to another Carrier during this time-sensitive negotiating process. Our Team will always use professional judgment and are trained to find the best paying freight. We heavily emphasize to our clients to inform us beforehand as to what acceptable per mile rate they will be comfortable with to avoid freight being sold to another carrier during this process.

  • What are the BENEFITS to outsourcing my company’s truck dispatching needs?

    The benefit of outsourcing your company’s truck dispatching needs solely depends on the type of company you are currently running. See the

    Benefits of Outsourcing Truck Dispatching…

    a. Single Owner-Operator or Company with multiple trucks, Companies looking for front-haul or back-haul loads can work with us.

    b. Work 1 on 1 with a professional Truck Dispatcher.

    c. Work schedule is made for the week.

    d. Reduce payroll taxes.

    e. Reduce unemployment insurance or unemployment taxes and payrolls.

    f . Reduce software expenses, No more searching load boards.

    g. Reduce business expenses

    h. No more FILLING and Filing out burdensome paperwork.

    i. Reduce health insurance premiums

    j. No more freight negotiating

    k. Reduce office expenses

    l. Enjoy the benefits of working with a freight consultant.

    m. Perform Credit check of Broker or shipper before accepting any load.

    n. Tracking of the load, and communication with all the parties until delivered safely.

    o. Sending BOL, POD, shipping documents, and Carrier Invoices directly to the Customer/Broker or factoring company.

    P. Follow up with the carrier Invoice payments, collection emails, etc.

    q. Directly receive 100% payment from broker, shipper, or factoring company, we would not handle your payments.

    r. Pay us only our fees weekly once the load is delivered Direct to our bank account or by credit/debit card.

    s. Personalized services at a fraction of the cost.

    T. Lastly, save time and money!

  • I am an Owner Operator, I want to be on road and loaded, can you help me and eliminate my other headaches?

    That's what we specialize in! Our personalized approach provides  you the ease to be on the road.  We are here for you! Some owner-operators like to find loads themselves, but are unable to work on paperwork, leave that to us, we will do it for you so you can be safe on the road. 

  • I have a trucking company and am looking to outsource my truck dispatching needs to Carrier Dispatch Services. What is the sign up process? What do you need from me in order to begin work?

    We will need the following documents:

    • Current active insurance certificate reflecting industry norms of $750,000 Auto liability and $100,000 cargo Liability insurance where applicable.

    • completed I.R.S. form W 9.

    • MC authority acceptance document.

    • Dispatcher-Carrier agreement filled and signed. This is NOT A TERM CONTRACT.

    • Dispatch authorization form filled and signed. In this form you authorize Carrier Dispatch Services to accept freight loads for you, fill out Brokers/Customer Carrier set-up packets for you and sign Load confirmations and contact your insurance company for every load. It is like a power of attorney where you are authorized to book loads for you in your name and you don’t have to fill out any paperwork.

    ( One of our Representatives will e-mail your company our standard Dispatch-Carrier agreement and Power of Attorney). 

  • Do I need to sign any short or long term contract to use your service?

    Just the current week. You can cancel our services any time just email us with the reason for discontinuing our services, that you don't want to use our service anymore and we will erase all your information from our database. Some of our larger fleets require contracts due to dispatching resources required to manage them. Please ask for details. 

  • How many trucks will be assigned to my personalized Truck Dispatcher?

    We value relationships, and because of that, we never assign more than 10 truck per CDS Coordinator. We want to ensure that every client of ours is provided with exceptional service and support. We've determined that our approach is effective and efficient when we have one of our CDS Coordinators provide personalized dispatching of 10 trucks or less. 

  • After I send in all my paperwork, what is the next step?

    Once your company sends in all the necessary paperwork, one of our dedicated CDS Coordinators will be assigned to your account. Your designated CDS Dispatch Coordinator will build a clear understanding of your lanes, schedule, and types of freight being carried. They will closely work hand in hand with you throughout this initial process.  Carrier Dispatch Services are professionals and thoroughly understand the freight market.  Drivers may have requests as to where they would like to drive, and those requests will always be reasonably honored if the Owner-Operator utilizes their own equipment, but we will always express our concern if you decide to translate to a non-desirable area. 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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